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Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Many courses are given in french universities and schools of engineers at different levels (LMD) by most team members, in computer science, in applied mathematics, in neuroscience and in cognitive science. Thierry Viéville is teaching computational thinking in the Msc #CreaSmartEdtech ("Digital Expertise", "Educational Informatics" including Artificial Intelligence and Ontologies, "Digital Intedisciplinary Project ") and is co-orgazning this Master of Science. He has been involved in the production of the "Science Numérique et Technologie" (SNT) new high-school course teacher formation, via the creation of a MOOC, with more than 18000 inscriptions, and has collaborated to the qualitative analysis of the course outcomes [18].

In addition, this year, F. Alexandre gave a lecture at the Barcelona Cognition, Brain and Technology Summer School


In addition to several juries in France, we can note this year a reviewing and participation to a PhD defense in Germany (F. Alexandre)